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The Argument.

him who next in Order and Dignity lay by him; they confer of thir miſerable fall. Satan awakens all his Legions, who lay till then in the ſame manner confounded; They riſe, thir Numbers, array of Battel, thir chief Leaders nam'd, according to the Idols known afterwards in Canaan and the Countries adjoyning. To theſe Satan directs his Speech, comforts them with hope yet of regaining Heaven, but tells them laſtly of a new World and new kind of Creature to be created, according to an ancient Propheſie or report in Heaven; for that Angels were long before this viſible Creation, was the opinion of many ancient Fathers. To find out the truth of this Propheſie, and what to determin thereon he refers to a full Councell. What his Aſſociates thence attempt. Pandemonium the Palace of Satan riſes, ſuddenly built out of the Deep: The infernal Peers there ſit in Counſel.

Of the


THe Conſultation begun, Satan debates whether another Battel be to be hazarded for the recovery of Heaven: ſome adviſe it, other diſſuade: A third propoſal is prefer'd, mention'd before by Satan, to ſearch the truth of that Propheſie or Tradition in Heaven concerning another world and another kind of creature equall or not much inferiour to themſelves about this time to be created: Thir doubt who ſhall be ſent on this difficult ſearch: Satan thir chief undertakes alone the voyage,
