Page:Paradise lost by Milton, John.djvu/270

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The highth and depth of thy eternal ways
All human thoughts come short, Supreme of things!
Thou in thyself art perfect, and in thee
Is no deficience found; not so is Man,
But in degree, the cause of his desire
By conversation with his like to help
Or solace his defects. No need that thou
Shouldest propagate, already infinite,420
And through all numbers absolute, though one.
But Man by number is to manifest
His single imperfection, and beget
Like of his like, his image multiplied,
In unity defective, which requires
Collateral love, and dearest amity.
Thou in thy secrecy although alone,
Best with thyself accompanied, seekest not
Social communication, yet, so pleased,
Canst raise thy creature to what highth thou wilt
Of union or communion, deified;431
I, by conversing, cannot these erect
From prone, nor in their ways complacence find.'—
Thus I emboldened spake, and freedom used
Permissive, and acceptance found, which gained
This answer from the gracious Voice divine:
"'Thus far to try thee, Adam, I was pleased,
And find thee knowing not of beasts alone,