Page:Paradise lost by Milton, John.djvu/277

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From all her words and actions, mixed with love
And sweet compliance, which declare unfeigned
Union of mind, or in us both one soul;
Harmony to behold in wedded pair
More grateful than harmonious sound to the ear.
Yet these subject not; I to thee disclose
What inward thence I feel, not therefore foiled,
Who meet with various objects, from the sense
Variously representing, yet still free610
Approve the best, and follow what I approve.
To love thou blamest me not, for love thou sayest
Leads up to Heaven, is both the way and guide.
Bear with me then, if lawful what I ask.—
Love not the heavenly Spirits? and how their love
Express they? by looks only, or do they mix
Irradiance, virtual or immediate touch?"
To whom the Angel, with a smile that glowed
Celestial rosy-red, love's proper hue,
Answered:—"Let it suffice thee that thou knowest
Us happy, and without love no happiness.621
Whatever pure thou in the body enjoyest—
And pure thou wert created—we enjoy
In eminence, and obstacle find none
Of membrane, joint, or limb, exclusive bars:
Easier than air with air, if Spirits embrace,
Total they mix, union of pure with pure
Desiring, nor restrained conveyance need
As flesh to mix with flesh, or soul with soul.—