Page:Paradise lost by Milton, John.djvu/341

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Triumphal with triumphal act, have met390
Mine with this glorious work, and made one realm
Hell and this World, one realm, one continent
Of easy thoroughfare. Therefore while I
Descend through darkness, on your road with ease,
To my associate powers, them to acquaint
With these successes, and with them rejoice,
You two this way, among these numerous orbs,
All yours, right-down to Paradise descend;
There dwell and reign in bliss; thence on the earth
Dominion exercise and in the air,400
Chiefly on Man, sole lord of all declared;
Him first make sure your thrall, and lastly kill.
My substitutes I send ye, and create
Plenipotent on earth, of matchless might
Issuing from me. On your joint vigor now
My hold of this new kingdom all depends,
Through Sin to Death exposed by my exploit.
If your joint power prevail, the affairs of Hell
No detriment need fear; go, and be strong!"
So saying he dismissed them: they with speed410
Their course through thickest constellations held,
Spreading their bane—the blasted stars looked wan,
And planets, planet-struck, real eclipse
Then suffered—The other way Satan went down