Page:Paradise lost by Milton, John.djvu/371

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Tried in sharp tribulation and refined
By faith and faithful works, to second life,
Waked in the renovation of the just,
Resigns him up with heaven and earth renewed.—
But let us call to synod all the Blest
Through Heaven's wide bounds; from them I will not hide
My judgments, how with Mankind I proceed,
As how with peccant Angels late they saw,70
And in their state, though firm, stood more confirmed."
He ended, and the Son gave signal high
To the bright minister that watched. He blew
His trumpet, heard in Oreb since perhaps
When God descended, and perhaps once more
To sound at general doom. The angelic blast
Filled all the regions. From their blissful bowers
Of amarantine shade, fountain or spring,
By the waters of life, where'er they sat
In fellowships of joy, the Sons of Light80
Hasted, resorting to the summons high,
And took their seats, till from his throne supreme
The Almighty thus pronounced his sovran will:
"O Sons, like one of us Man is become
To know both good and evil, since his taste
Of that defended fruit. But let him boast
His knowledge of good lost and evil got,
Happier, had it sufficed him to have known