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The Garden of pleafant Flowers.

or heads of flowers, in ſome of theſe before they be blowne, are hoary white, or hairie, whereas in others, there is no hoarineſſe at all, but the buddes are ſmooth and purpliſh: in other things this differeth not from the former.

Of this ſort alſo there is one that hath but few ſpots on the flowers, whoſe colour is ſomewhat paler than the other. Lilium Martagon non maculatum.

Martagon Canadense maculatum. The ſpotted Martagon of Canada.

Although this Orange Lilly hath not his flowers hanging downe, and turning vp again, as the former kinds ſet forth in this Chapter; yet becauſe the green leaues ſtand at ſeuerall ioynts as they do, I muſt needs inſert it here, not knowing where more fitly to place it. It hath a ſmall ſcaly roote, with many ſmall long fibres thereat, from whence riſeth vp a reaſonable great ſtalke, almoſt as high as any of the former, bearing at three or foure diſtances many long and narrow greene leaues, but not ſo many or ſo broad as the former, with diuers ribbes in them: from among the vppermoſt rundle of leaues breake forth foure or fiue flowers together, euery one ſtanding on a long ſlender foote ſtalke, being almoſt as large as a red Lilly, but a little bending downewards, and of a faire yellow colour, ſpotted on the inſide with diuers blackiſh purple ſpots or ſtrakes, hauing a middle pointell, and ſixe chiues, with pendents on them.

The Place.

All theſe Lillies haue been found in the diuers Countries of Germany, as Auſtria, Hungaria, Pannonia, Stiria, &c. and are all made Deniſons in our London Gardens, where they flouriſh as in their owne naturall places. The laſt was brought into France from Canada by the French Colonie, and from thence vnto vs.

The Time.

They flower about the later end of Iune for the moſt part, yet the firſt ſpringeth out of the ground a moneth at the leaſt before the other, which are moſt vſually in flower before it, like vnto the Serotine Tulipas, all of them being early vp, and neuer the neere.

The Names.

The firſt is vſually called Martagon Imperiale, the Imperiall Martagon, and is Lilium Montanum maius, the greateſt Mountaine Lilly ; for ſo it deſerueth the name, becauſe of the number of flowers vpon a head or ſtalke. Some haue called it Lilium Saraſenicum, and ſome Hemerocallis, but neither of them doth ſo fitly agree vnto it.
The ſecond is Lilium Montanum maius flore albo, and of ſome Martagon Imperiale flore albo, but moſt vſually Martagon flore albo, the white Martagon. The ſecond ſort of this ſecond kinde, is called Martagon flore albo maculato, the ſpotted white Martagon. And the third, Martagon flore carneo, the bluſh Martagon.
The third kinde is called Lilium Montanum, the Mountaine Lilly, and ſome adde the title minus, the leſſer, to know it more diſtinctly from the other. Some alſo Lilium Silueſtre, as Cluſius, and ſome others, and of Matthiolus Martagon. Of diuers women here in England, from the Dutch name, Lilly of Nazareth. The laſt hath his title Americanum & Canadenſe, and in Engliſh accordingly.
Chap. IV.