Page:Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris (1904 reprint).djvu/68

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The Garden of pleaſant Flowers.

and pointed, and of others broad and round, or bluntly pointed, as ſhall bee ſhewed in the end of the Chapter: I ſhall therefore onely expreſſe the colours, with the mixture or compoſure of them, and giue you withall the names of ſome of them, (for it is impoſſible I thinke to any man, to giue ſeuerall names to all varieties) as they are called by thoſe that chiefly delight in them with vs.

Tulipa præcox Alba. The early White Tulipa.
1 Niuea tota interdum purpureis flaminibus, vel ſaltem luteis, fundo puro haud luteo. 1 The flower whereof is either pure ſnow white, with purple ſometimes, or at leaſt with yellow chiues, without any yellow bottome.
2 Alba ſiue niuea fundo luteo. 2 Or pure white with a yellow bottome.
3 Albida. 3 Or milk white that is not ſo pure white.
4 Alba, venis cæruleis in dorſo. 4 White with blew veines on the outſide.
5 Alba purpureis oris.* 5 White with purple edges.*
6 Alba carneis oris.* 6 White with bluſh edges.*
7 Alba ſanguineis oris.* 7 White with red edges.*
*Harum flores vel constantes, vel diſpergentes. *Some of theſe abiding conſtant, & others ſpreading or running.
8 Alba oris magnis carneis, & venis intro reſpicientibus. 8 White with great bluſh edges, and ſome ſtrakes running from the edge inward.
9 Alba extra, carnei vero coloris intus, oras habens carneas ſaturatiores. 9 White without, and ſomewhat bluſh within, with edges of a deeper bluſh.
10 Albida, oris rubris, vel oris purpureis. 10 Whitiſh, or pale white with red or purple edges.
11 Albida purpurasſcentibus maculis extra, intus vero carnei viuaciſsimi. 11 Whitiſh without, with ſome purpliſh veins & ſpots, & of a liuely bluſh within.
12 Alba, purpureis maculis aſperſa extra, intus vero alba purpurantibus oris. White without, ſpotted with ſmall purple ſpots, and white within with purple edges.
13 Dux Alba, i. e. coceineis [sic] & albis variata flammis, à medio ad oras intercurſantibus. A white Duke, that is, parted with white & crimſon flames, from the middle of each leafe to the edge.
14 Princeſſa, i.e. argentei coloris maculis purpuraſcentibus. 14 The Princeſſe, that is, a ſiluer colour ſpotted with fine deepe bluſh ſpots.
15 Regina pulcherrima, albis & ſanguineis aſperſa radijs & punctis. 15 The Queen, that is, a fine white ſprinkled with bloud red ſpots, and greater ſtrakes.

Tulipa præcox purpurea. The early purple Tulipa.
1 Purpurea ſatura rubeſcens, vel violacea. 1 A deep reddiſh purple, or more violet.
2 Purpurea pallida, Columbina dicta. 2 A pale purple, called a Doue colour.
3 Perſici coloris ſaturi. 3 A deep Peach colour.
4 Perſici coloris Pallidioris. 4 A paler Peach colour.
5 Paeoniæ floris coloris. 5 A Peony flower colour.
6 Rofea. 6 A Rose colour.
7 Chermeſiua [sic] peramæna. 7 A Crimſon very bright.
8 Chermeſiua [sic] parum ſtriata. 8 A Crimſon ſtript with a little white.
9 Princeps,