Page:Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris (1904 reprint).djvu/77

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The Garden of pleaſant Flowers.

1 Tulipa rubra & lutea varia. The Fooles Coate red and yellow. 2 Tulipa Holeas alba abſq. fundo. The white Holeas without a bottome. 3 Tulipa argentea, vellpunctata, &c. The cloth of ſiluer, or other ſpotted Tulipa. 4 Tulipa alba flammis coccineis. The white Fooles Coate. 5 Tulipa Holeas alba, &c. fundo purpureo, &c. A white Holeas, &c. with a purple bottome, &c. 6 Tulipa rubra & lutea flammea &c. A red and yellow flamed Tulipa, &c. 7 Tulipa alba ſtriata & punctata. A white ſtriped and ſpotted Tulipa. 8 Tulipa altera variata, &c. Another variable Tulipa.