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Psoralea·leaved Gompholobium.

Leguminosæ. Juss. Gen. p. 345.

Sect. 4. Corolla papilionacea. Filamenta receptaculo inserta, distincta. Pericarpium 1-loculare, 2-valve.

Calyx grandis, inflatus, profunde 5-fidus: Carina obtusissima. Filamenta decidua. Pericarpium castum (germen auctorum) latum, gravidum ventricosum, polyspermum, tenuiter-stipitatum. Stylus involutus. Stigma angustum, obtusem. Frutices graciles. Stuplæ minutæe, inflexæ. Folia a tro-viridia, 3-nata pinnataque. Flores peldunculis brevibus axillaribus sæepius 2-floris,falvi. Bractee 2 juxtA receptaculum, minutæe.

* Folia Ternata.

G. caule angulato, glabro cum rore : foliorum laminis 1½ lineam latis, anguste obcuneatis, con-vexinsculis: carina discolori, valde flimbriatâ.

Sponte nasceutem juxta Port Jackson, legit D. Burton.

Floret Octobri, Novembri; apud nos Junio.

This plant was communicated by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy, and has been hitherto known in their nursery by the name of Latifolium; but I dare not quote the plant Dr. Smith has taken up under that title in the Annals of Botany as the same; for he describes the leaflets "obovato-oblonga" and "venosa." The young stem, if observed through a microscope, is covered with dark green dots, of which I find no traces in the leaves. The calyx in a young state is very similar both in colour and shape to the future pod, so that the whole plant to a careless observer has the appearance of being in fruit before it flowers. It may be propagated by cuttings.


  1. The Calyx.
  2. The Anthers and Germen.
  3. The Germ and Receptacle.
  4. The Legume opened, shewing the Seed.
  5. The Stigma magnified.