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OPEN COURT PUBLICATIONS 208. PRIMER OF PHILOSOPHY. Paul Carus. Cloth, $i.eo. (ss.) aio. MONISM AND MELIORISM, A Philosophical Essay on Causal ity and Ethics. Paul Carus. Paper, 500. (23. 6d.) 213. (a) THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE TOOL. IDC. (6d.) (b) OUR NEED OF PHILOSOPHY, sc. (ad.) (c) SCIENCE A RELIGIOUS REVELATION. 50 . (ad.) Paul Carus. 290. THE SURD OF METAPHYSICS, An Inquiry into the Question ARK THERE THINGS-IN-THEMSELVES? Paul Carus. Cloth, $1.35 net. (53. 6d. net.) 303. KANT AND SPENCER, A Study of the Fallacies of Agnosticism. Paul Carus. Cloth, 500 net. (23. 6d. net.) 312. KANT S PROLEGOMENA TO ANY FUTURE METAPHYS ICS. Edited by Paul Carus. Cloth, 750 net. (33. 6d. net.) 215. THE GOSPEL OF BUDDHA, According to Old Records, told by Paul Carus. Cloth, $1.00. (53.) 254- BUDDHISM AND ITS CHRISTIAN CRITICS. Paul Carus. $1.25. (6s. 6d.) 261. GODWARD, A Record of Religious Progress. Paul Carus. soc. (23. 6d.) 278. THE HISTORY OF THE DEVIL AND THE IDEA OF EVIL, From the Earliest Times to the Present day. Paul Carus. Il lustrated. $6.00. (305.) 280. HISTORY OF THE CROSS. Paul Carus. (In preparation.) 321. THE AGE OF CHRIST. A Brief Review of the Conditions under which Christianity originated. Paul Carus. Paper, 150 net. (lod.) 341. THE DHARMA, or the Religion of Enlightenment, An Exposi tion of Buddhism. Paul Carus. 25c (Is. 6d.) 216. DAS EVANGELIUM BUDDHAS. A German translation of THI GOSPEL OF BUDDHA. Cloth, $1.25. (5 marks.) 255. LAp-TZE S TAO TEH KING. Chinese English. With Introduc tion, Transliteration and Notes by Paul Carus. $3.00 (155.) 357. T AI-SHANG KAN-YING P lEN, Treatise of the Exalted One on Response and Retribution. Paul Carus and Teitaro Suzuki. Boards, 7$c net. (33. 6d.) 358. YIN CHIH WEN, The Tract of the Quiet Way. With extracts from the Chinese Commentary. Paul Carus and Teitaro Suzuki. Boards, 25c net. (is. 6d.) 275. THE WORLD S PARLIAMENT OF RELIGIONS AND THE RELIGIOUS PARLIAMENT EXTENSION, a Memorial Pub lished by the Religious Parliament Extension Committee. Popu lar edition. C. C. Bonney and Paul Carus. 205. HOMILIES OF SCIENCE. Paul Carus. Cloth, gilt top, $1.50. (78. 6d.) 206. THE IDEA OF GOD. Paul Carus. Paper, isc. (pd.) an. THE RELIGION OF SCIENCE. Paul Carus. Cloth, soc net. (2S. 6d.) 312. KARMA, A STORY OF BUDDHIST ETHICS. Paul Carus. Illustrated by Kwason Suzuki. American edition. 150. (lod.) 268. THE ETHICAL PROBLEM. Three Lectures on Ethics as Science. Paul Carus. Cloth. $1.25. (6s. 6d.) fa-Send for Complete Illustrated Catalogue."**