Page:Parsons How to Know the Ferns 7th ed.djvu/248

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Pinnatifid Spleenwort, 142

Polypody, Common, 184

Prickly Shield Fern, 182

Purple Cliff Brake, 90

Rattlesnake Fern, 80

Royal Fern, 67

Rue Spleenwort, 126

Rusty Woodsia, 200

Scott's Spleenwort, 140

Shield Fern, Boott's, 168

Shield Fern, Crested, 170

Shield Fern, Fragrant, 178

Shield Fern, Marginal, 176

Shield Fern, Prickly, 182

Seaweed Fern, 156

Sensitive Fern, 54

Silvery Spleenwort, 124

Slender Cliff Brake, 87

Smooth Woodsia, 206

Snake Fern, 184

Spinulose Wood Fern, 166

Spleenwort, Bradley's, 144

Spleenwort, Ebony, 134

Spleenwort, Green, 138

Spleenwort, Maidenhair, 136

Spleenwort, Mountain, 130

Spleenwort, Narrow-leaved, 98

Spleenwort, Pinnatifid, 142

Spleenwort, Rue, 126

Spleenwort, Silvery, 124

Spleenwort, Scotts', 140

Ternate Grape Fern, 81

Virginia Chain Fern, 156

Virginia Grape Fern, 80

Walking Fern, 146

Walking Leaf, 146

Wall Rue, 126

Wood Fern. Clinton's, 172

Wood Fern, Evergreen, 176

Wood Fern, Spinulose, 166

Woodsia, Alpine. 203

Woodsia. Blunt-lobed, 202

Woodsia, Northern, 203

Woodsia, Rusty, 200

Woodsia, Smooth, 206