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quietly on water denotes a peace able life For a woman to dream a ring is put on her finger, shews success in love; but if taken off the contrary. To dream of fire denotes anger; of a sow with pigs fruitfulness. To dream of hunting a hare, and she escapes, shews losses. To dream of courting a lady, shews flattery; that you are forced involuntarily, shews falling from promotion; that you are at banquets and do not eat, scarcety. If one puts a glove on, and it remains so, betokens marriage To dream you fall into a pit, denotes sudden surprise and danger. A woman to dream she is with child, denotes sorrow and heaviness. To dream you quench fire, denotes overcoming anger, and recovery from sickness. To dream you hear a voice but see not who utters it, shews you will be deluded by feigned pretenders. If you dream you are walking in a garden of flowers, and amongst groves and trees, shews much pleasure and delight to ensue from conversation. To dream of moons contending in the firmament, signifies divisions among near friends and relations To dream your teeth are drawn, or fall