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The New and well Experienced


YOUNG men and maids, who fain would
Your fortunes good or ill,
In short you need no further go,
Than to this book: which will
Inform you right in every thing,
Ordained for your lot
Whether Fortune will riches brings,
Or whether she will not:
Whether you shall the party have,
The which you fain would wed;
Whether in law you shall out brave,
The man you seem to dread;
Whether you will live to be old,
Or die while you are young;
Whether you shall get store of gold,
When Friends you come among;
Whether you’re born to cross the seas,
Into some foreign land,
Or live at home in queit ease,
With servants at command:
Whate’er is lawful to be known,
To men or woman kind,
Will in this book be plainly shown,
It you these rules will mind.