Page:Passages from the Life of a Philosopher.djvu/294

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Lord Flumm. But what are his tastes?—how does he employ himself?—who are his friends?

Trim. Why he's—a sort of a—philosopher,—that wants to be a man of the world!

Lord Flumm. Oh!—now I begin to recollect;—I must have seen him at Sir Phillip's. Leave him to me;—I think Lady Flumm and my daughter can manage to keep him quiet on Thursday night.

Trim. But for Tuesday,—my Lord?

Lord Flumm. Two nights!—Then I must try what I can do for you, myself.


Scene IV.Grosvenor-square.

Enter Turnstile, musing.

Turnstile. This will never do! They make use of me, and laugh at me in their sleeves;—push me round and go by. That break down was a devil of a business! They didn't laugh out to be sure; but they coughed and looked unutterably!! And where is this to end? What shall I have to show for it? Confounded loss of time;—to hear those fellows prosing, instead of seeing the occultation last night. And that book of Ls.'; so much that I had begun upon,—and might have finished! It never will do! (Rousing himself after a pause.) But knowledge, after all, is power! That at least is certain,—power—to do what? to refuse Lord Doodle's invitation; and to ask Lord Humbug for a favour, which it is ten to one he will refuse! But the Royal Society is defunct! That I have accomplished. Gilbert, and the Duke! and the Secretaries! I have driven them all before me!—and, now, though I must not be a knight of the Guelphic order, (yet a riband is a pretty looking thing! and