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Begins Sixth Season in West Hoboken Church.

The sixth season of the Passion Play, or "Veronica's Veil," as presented by members of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, of West Hoboken, N.J., opened yesterday in St. Joseph's Auditorium in that city. More than twelve hundred persons were present, including Most Rev. aul Bruschési, Archbishop of Montreal; the Rt. Rev. Paul Joseph Nussbaum, Bishop of the Corpus Christi, Texas; Colonel L. D. Conley, of New York, and W. Bourke Cockran, Chairman of the Executive Committee in charge of the play.

The role of Christ was taken by Joseph Walsh. Joseph A. Koch appeared as Caiaphas, High Priest of Jerusalem, Paul S. Koch as Judas, Miss Marie B. Hanlon as Miriam, Miss Mildred Tibruski as Ruth, Miss Madeline Rigalke as Veronica, and Miss Gertrude Schneider as Cleopha. The play will be presented on each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday night and each Saturday afternoon during Lent.