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(Enter nearly at the same time, by opposite sides, Mrs. Baltimore and Mrs. Freeman with Charlotte.

Mrs. B. (alarmed.) O, you are wounded, Baltimore.

True. No, no! there are no wounds here: we are victorious.

Mrs. B. Over whom?

True. Over a whole legion of devils! or, at least, over one great black one, who was as strong and as stubborn as a whole legion.

Mrs. B. (joyfully.) Ha! and is he overcome at last? Let me rejoice with you, my Baltimore! We have found our lost happiness again.

Balt. We have found something more, my dear Isabella: we have found a brother. (presenting Free. to Mrs. B.)

Mrs. B. Yes, I knew you would find in this worthy man a friend and a brother.

Balt. Nay, nay! you don't catch my meaning: he is the son of my father.

Mrs. Free. What does he say?

Char. The son of his father! My ears are ringing.

Mrs. B. (after a pause of surprize.) In sober earnest truth? (clasping her hands together.) O thank heaven for it! (holding out her hand to Free.) My friend and my brother.

Balt. (to Free.) Yes, she has always been your friend.