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SCENE III. A narrow stone gallery or passage.

(Voice without.) Haste, lazy comrade there!

(Enter two servants by opposite sides, one of them carrying mats of rushes in his arms.)

First Serv. Set'st thou thy feet thus softly to the ground.
As if thou had'st been paid to count thy steps?
What made thee stay so long?

Second Serv. Heard you the news?

First Serv. The news?

Second Serv.Ay, by the mass! sharp news indeed.
And mark me well; before hand I have said it;
Some of those spears now hanging in the hall
Will wag i' the field ere long.

First Serv. Thou hast a marv'llous gift of prophecy.
I know it well; but let us hear thy news.

Second Serv. Marry! the Britons and their restless prince,
Join'd with West Anglia's king, a goodly host,
Are now in Mercia, threat'ning all with ruin.
And over and besides, God save us all!
They are but five leagues off.
'Tis true. And over and besides again,
Our king is on his way to give them battle.
Ay, and moreover all, if the late floods
Have broken down the bridge, as it is fear'd,
He must perforce pass by our castle walls,