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Mollo. (tottering from his seat.)
O go not forth my rash impetuous son!
Stay yet a term beneath thy father's roof,
And, were it at the cost of half my lands,
I'll send thee out accoutred like a Thane.

Ethw. No, rev'rend sire, these be my patrimony!
I ask of thee no more.

Ber. And wilt thou leave us?

Mollo.Ay, he'll break thy heart,
And lay me in the dust! (trumpet sounds again, and Ethw. turning hastily from them, runs out.)

Ber. Oh! he is gone for ever!

Eth. Patience, sweet Bertha!

Sel. The castle gates are shut by my command,
He cannot now escape. Holla, good friends! (to those without.)

Enter Followers.

All quickly arm yourselves, and be prepared

To follow me before the fall of eve.

Eth. Send out my scout to climb the farther hill,
And spy if that my bands are yet in sight.
(Exeunt Followers.
Now let us try to tame this lion's whelp.

(Enter Servant in haste.)

Sel. What tidings, man? Is Ethwald at the gate?

Ser. No, good my Lord, nor yet within the walls.

Sel. What, have they open'd to him?

Ser.No, my Lord.
Loudly he call'd, but when it was refus'd,