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SCENE I. A forest; the view of an abbey with its spires on the back ground. Enter the King, attended by Seagurth and several Thanes and followers,some of them wounded, and their wounds bound up, as after a battle, A flourish of trumpets: the King stretches out his arm in the action of command; the trumpets cease, and they all halt.

King. Companions of this rough and bloody day,
Beneath the kindly shelter of this wood
A while repose, until our eager youth,
Returning from the widely scatter'd pursuit,
Rejoin our standards.
Brave Seneschal, thou'rt weak with loss of blood;
Forbear attendance. Ay, and thou, good Baldrick:
And thou, (to another) and all of you.

Sen.No, gracious king;
The sight of you, unhurt, maketh the blood
That in our veins remains so kindly glow,
We cannot faint.

King. Thanks, noble chiefs! dear is the gain I earn,
Purchased with blood so precious. Who are those