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Full many a valiant warriour, on his back
Lies stiff'ning to the wind.

Hex. The wicked sprite in ev'ry armed host
Will find his friends, who doubtless for a time
May counterpoise the prayers of holy men.
There are among your troops, I question not,
Many who do our sacred rights contemn:
Many who have blasphem'd—Ay, good my Lord;
And many holding baleful heresies.
Fought Ethelbert, of Sexford, in your host?

King. He did, my rev'rend father, bravely fought:
To him and valiant Selred, Mollo's son,
Belong the second honours of the day.
(Hexulf looks abash'd and is silent.)

Enter Edward attended, who, after making his obeisance to the King, runs up eagerly to Seagurth.

Edw. You are not wounded, father?

Sea.No, my boy,

Edw. Thanks to preserving goodness! Noble Thanes,
It grieves me much to see those swathed limbs.
War wears a horrid, yet alluring face.
(To King.) Your friends, my Lord, have done me great despite.
Had they not long detain'd me on the way,
I should have been with you before the battle.

King. Complain not, youth; they had, in this, commands
Too high to be disputed. And 'tis well,
For we have had a rough and bloody day,