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Alwy. They do indeed full hard advantage take
Of his captivity, and put upon him
Conditions suited to his hapless state,
More than his princely will.

Ethw. 'Tis basely done: would that some friendly hand
His prison would unbar and free the thrall!
But no, no, no! I to the king resign'd him;
'Twere an unworthy deed.

Alwy. It were most difficult;
For now they keep him in a closer hold,
And bind his hands with iron,

Ethw. Have they done this? I'm glad on't! O I'm glad on't!
They promised nought unworthy of a prince
To put upon him—Now my hands are free!
And, were it made of living adamant,
I will unbar his door. Difficult say'st thou!
No, this hath made it easy.

Alwy. Well softly then; we may devise a way
By which the Seneschal himself will seem
The secret culprit in this act.

Ethw. No, no!
I like it not: tho' I must work i' the dark,
I'll not in cunningly devised light
Put on my neighbour's cloak to work his ruin.
But let's to work a-pace! the storm shall rise!
My sound shall yet be heard!

Alwy. Fear not, thou shalt ere long be heard again;
A dark'ning storm which shall not soon be lay'd.