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Ethw. A sudden fancy strikes me: Woggarwolfe,
That restless ruffian, might with little art
Be rous'd on Wessex to commit aggression;
Its royal chief, now leaguing with our king,
Will take the field again.

Alwy. Your fancy bears good promise on’t; but move—
In faith I'm cold!(Exeunt.)

SCENE V. A dark apartment in the same castle. Woggarwolfe is discovered asleep upon a couch of rushes, and covered with a mat. Enter Alwy and a Follower, with a lad hearing a torch before them. Alwy signs with his hand, and the torch bearer retires to a distance.

Alwy. Softly, ere we proceed; a sudden thought,
Now crossing o'er my mind, disturbs me much.
He who to night commands the farther watch,
Canst thou depend upon him?

Fol. Most perfectly; and, free of hostile bounds,
The British prince ere this pursues his way.

Alwy. I'm satisfied: now to our present purpose.

(As they advance towards the couch, Woggarwolfe is heard speaking in his sleep.)

Ha! speaks he in his sleep some dream disturbs him:

His quiv'ring limbs beneath the cov'ring move,
He speaks again.