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And thou, good Baldwin too? Yet fie upon it!
The heaviest weapon of the British host
Lacks weight of metal for thy sinewy arm.—
Ha! health to thee, mine old and honest host!
I'm glad to see thee with thine arm unbound.
And ruddy too! thy dame should give me thanks:
I send thee home to her a younger man
Than I receiv'd thee. (to the Soldier with the lots who is passing him.)
Nay, stay thee, friend, I pray, nor pass me o'er.
We all must share alike; hold out thy cap. (smiling as he draws.)
The knave would leave me out.

(Loud acclamations, the soldiers surrounding him and clashing their arms.)

Enter Selred and Followers.

Sel. (to Sol.) Ha! whence comes all this uproar?

Sol. Know you not?
Your noble brother 'midst his soldiers shares
His brightest spoils.

Sel. The grateful knaves! is all their joy for this?
(to his Followers.)
Well, go and add to it my portion too;
'Twill make them roar the louder. Do it quickly.

Soldiers, (looking after Sel.) Heaven bless him too, plain honest careless soul!
He gives as tho' he gave not. (loud acclamations.)
Long live brave Ethwald and the noble Selred.