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Ethw. May I depend on this?

Ong. You may, my Lord.

Ethw. Thanks to thee, Ongar! this is noble service.
And shall be nobly thank'd. There is, good Alwy,
Another point; hast thou unto the chiefs
Yet touch'd upon it?

Alwy. Yes, and they all agree 'tis most expedient
That with Elburga's hand, since weaker minds
Are blindly wedded to the royal line,
Your right be strengthen'd.

Ethw. And this they deem expedient?

Alwy. You sigh, my lord; she is, indeed, less gentle——

Ethw. Regard it not, it is a passing thought,
And it will have its sigh, and pass away.

(turning away for a little space , and then coming forward again)

What means hast thou devised, that for a term

Selred and Ethelbert may be remov'd?
For faithful to the royal line they are,
And will not swerve: their presence here were dang'rous;
We must employ them in some distant strife.

Alwy. I have devis'd a plan, but for the means
Brave Ongar here stands pledged. Woggarwolfe,
Who once before unweetingly has served us,
Will do the same again.

Ethw. How so? they say, that on a sick-bed laid,
And with the torment of his wounds subdu'd,