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From his attendants; there, in ambush laid,
Cuthbert and his adherents seize upon him,
And will conduct him with the ev'ning's close
To Arrick's rugged tower. All is prepar'd.

Ethw. But hast thou charged him well that this be done
With all becoming care and gentleness,
That nothing may his noble nature gall
More than the hard necessity compels?

Alwy. Do not mistrust us so! your brow is dark:
At Edward's name your changing countenance
Is ever clouded.(Ethw. turns from him agitated.)
You are disturb'd, my Lord.

Ethw. I am disturb'd. (turning round and grasping Alwy by the hand.)
I'll tell thee, Alwy—yes, I am disturb'd—
No gleam of glory thro' my prospect breaks,
But still his image, 'thwart the brightness cast,
Shades it to night.

Alwy. It will be always so, but wherefore should it?
Glory is ever bought by those who earn it
With loss of many lives most dear and precious.
So is it destin'd. Let that be unto him
Which in the crowded breach or busy field
All meet regardless from a foe-man's hand.
Doth the still chamber, and the muffled tread,
And th' unseen stroke that doth th' infliction deal,
Alter its nature?

Ethw. (pushing Alwy from him vehemently, and putting up both his hands to his head)
Forbear! forbear! I shut mine eyes, mine ears,
All entrance bar that may into my mind