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To be subjected to my royal will,
The lofty spirit of king Oswal's daughter
I will subdue. (taking her hand.)

Elb. (throwing him off from her vehemently.)
Off with those bloody hands that slew my father!
Thy touch is horrid to me; 'tis a fiend's grasp;
Out from my presence! bloody Thane of Mairneath!

Ethw. Ay, frown on me, Elburga; proudly frown:
I knew thy haughty spirit, and I lov'd it,
Even when I saw thee first in gorgeous state;
When, bearing high thy stately form, thou stoodst
Like a proud queen, and on the gazing crowd,
Somewhat offended with a late neglect,
Darted thy looks of anger and disdain.
High Thanes and Dames shrunk from thine eye, whilst I,
Like one who from the mountain's summit sees,
Beneath him far, the harmless lightning play,
With smiling admiration mark'd thee well,
And own'd a kindred soul. Each angry flash
Of thy dark eye was loveliness to me.
But know, proud maid, my spirit outmasters thine,
And heedeth not the anger nor the power
Of living thing.

Elb. Bold and amazing man!

Ethw. And bold should be the man who weds Elburga.

Elb. Away! it cannot be, it shall not be!
My soul doth rise against thee, bloody chief,
And bids thy power defiance.