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SCENE I. An arched passage from a gateway in the royal castle. The sound of warlike music without. Enter Ethelbert and Selred with their Followers, as if just come from a long march: enter, by the opposite side, Alwy, upon which they halt, the foremost of the Followers but just appearing under the gateway.

Alwy. Welcome, most valiant chieftains! Fame reports
That ye return with fullest success crown'd.

Eth. Good sooth we boast but little of our arms!
Tho' Woggarwolfe, our base ignoble spoiler,
Wounded and sorely shent, we've left behind,
Again in cloister'd walls with ghostly men,
Winding his soul, with many a heavy groan,
Into a saintly frame; God speed the work!
We were but just in time to save our halls.

Sel. It is a shame that such a ruffian thief
Should thus employ the arms of warlike Thanes.

Alwy. In truth it is, but now there reigns in Mercia
A warlike king, who better knows to deal
With valiant men. The messenger inform'd you?