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Eth. (flourish of trumpets.) Sweet maid retire.

Berth. Nay, nay! I will not go: there be without
Those who will frown upon me.

Eth. (endeavouring to lead her off.)
I pray thee be entreated!

(Dwina takes hold of her also to lead her off, but she breaks from them furiously.)

Berth. Ye shall not force me! Wist ye who I am?
The whirlwind in its strength contends with me,
And I o'ermaster it.

Eth. Stand round her then, I pray you, gentle ladies!
The king must not behold her.
(the Ladies gather round Bertha and conceal her.)

Enter Ethwald, followed by Thanes and Attendants.

Ethw. (after returning the obeisance of the assembly.)
This gay and fair attendance on our person
And on our queen, most honour'd lords and dames,
We much regard; and could my heart express—
(Bertha hearing his voice shrieks out.)
What cry is that?

Dwi. Regard it not: it is a wand'ring maid,
Distracted in her mind, who is in search,
As she conceits it, of some faithless lover.
She sings sweet songs of wildest harmony,
And at the queen's command we led her in.

Ethw. Seeking her love! distracted in her mind!
Have any of my followers wrong'd her? Speak!