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Who did his late Lord love; and, for that crime,
Last night, with wife and children weeping round him,
Was by your soldiers turn'd into the cold,
Houseless and bare.

Ethw. Curse on their ruffian zeal!
Torment him not, but let him die in peace.
Would I might say—. I'm very faint, my friends:
Support me hence, I pray you!
(Exeunt Ethw. supported.

SCENE III. A royal apartnent: an open door in front, shewing an inner chamber, in which is discovered Ethwald lying upon a couch, and surrounded with the Thanes and Officers of his court. Selred and Ethelbert standing on each side of him.

Sel. (after Ethw. has said something to him in a low voice.)
He is too much inclosed and longs for air:
He'll breathe more freely in the outer chamber;
Let us remove him.
(They lift him in his couch, and bring him forward to the front of the stage.)

First Offi. How are you now, my Lord?

Ethw. Somewhat exhausted; and albeit, good Thanes,
I greatly am indebted to your love,
For a short space I fain would be alone.