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First Th. What, shall we leave him in this piteous state,
Lone and uncomforted?

Ongar. It must be so; there is no time to lose.
Come, follow me; my men are at the gate.

(As they are all about to depart, Edward, starting furiously forward to the door, flies upon Ongar, and seizes him by the throat.)

Ed. What! leave me here, fiend! Am I not a man,
Created free to breathe the circling air
And range the boundless earth as thy base self,
Or thy more treacherous lord? thou tyrant's slave!

(As he struggles with him, Ongar calls loudly, and immediately the apartment is filled with armed men, who separate them.)

Ongar. (to his Followers.) Remove that madman to the inner chamber.
Keeper, attend your duty, (to the Thanes.) Follow me. (Exeunt Ongar and Thanes, &c.)

Keep. (to Edw. as some remaining armed men are leading him off by the opposite side.)
Alas! alas! my Lord, to see you thus,
In closer bondage! Pray! good soldiers, pray!
Let him in this apartment still remain:
He'll be secure; I'll pledge my life——

Ed. No, no!
Let them enchain me in a pitchy gulph!
'Twere better than this den of weariness,
Which my soul loathes. What care I now for ease?
(Exeunt Ed. led off by the men.)