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Sel. And thou his friend.

Eth. I stand reprov'd before thee.
A friend, indeed, should gentler thoughts maintain.
And so I will endeavour.

Sel. Give me thy valiant hand; full well I know
The heart which it pertains to.

Eth. I hear him, now, within his chamber stir.

Sel. Thou'lt move him best alone. God speed thy zeal!
I'll stand by thee the while and mark his eye.

(Eth. remains on the front of the stage whilst Ethwald enters behind him from the door at the bottom of the stage, leaning upon an attendant.)

Ethw. (to Sel. as he goes up to Eth.)
How, Ethelbert, our friend, so deep in thought?
(To the Attendant.) Leave me awhile, me thinks a brother's arm
Will be a kindlier staff. (Exit Attendant, and he leans upon Sel.)
How, Ethelbert, my friend!
What vision from the nether world of sprites
Now rises to thine eyes, thus on the ground
So fix'd and sternly bent?

Eth. Pardon, my Lord! my mind should now be turn'd
To cheerful thoughts, seeing you thus restor'd.
How fares it with you?

Ethw. E'en as with one, on a rude mountain's side,
Suddenly in the seeming gloom inclosed