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Ethw. The queens of Mercia, first of Mercian dames,
Still fair example give of meek obedience
To their good Lords. This is their privilege.
(seeing that she delays to go.)
It is my will. A good day to your highness.

Qu. (aside as she goes off.) Be silent wife! This Mollo's son doth say

Unto the royal offspring of a king. (Exit Queen, frowning angrily, and followed by Dwina and Attendants.)

(The Thanes, &c. who entered with Ethwald, and during his conversation with Alwy, &c. had retired to the bottom of the stage, now come forward.)

Ethw. Now wait we for those grave and sluggish chiefs,
Who would this kingdom, fam'd for warlike Thanes,
Change into mere provision-land to feed
A dull unwarlike race.

Alwy. Ay, and our castles.
Whose lofty walls are darken'd with the spoils
Of glorious war, to barns and pinning folds.
Where our brave hands, instead of sword and spear,
The pruning knife and shepherds staff must grasp.

Hex. True; sinking you, in such base toils unskill'd.
Beneath the wiser carl. This is their wish,