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Until these very eyes have seen thee dead,
These very hands have press'd on thy cold heart,
I'll not believe it.

Third Cairl. Ah, gentle maiden! many a maiden's love,
And many a goodly man lies on this field.

Young Wom. I know, too true it is, but none like him.
Liest thou, indeed, amongst those grisly heaps?
O thou who ever wert of all most fair!
If heaven hath suffer'd this, amen, amen!
Whilst I have strength to crawl upon the earth
I'll search thee out, and be where'er thou art,
Thy mated love, e'en with the grisly dead.

(Searching again amongst the dead she perceives the band round the arm of the fallen Warriour, and uttering a loud shriek falls senseless upon the ground. The Cairls run to her assistance, with Ethelbert and Hereulf, who come forward from the place they had withdrawn to; Hereulf clenching his hand and muttering curses upon Mollo's son, as he crosses the stage. The scene closes.)

SCENE III. A castle not far from the field of battle. Enter Ethwald and Alwy, talking as they enter.

Ethw. (calling angrily to some one off the stage.)
And see they do not linger on the road,
With laggard steps; I will brook no delay.
(to Alwy.) Why, even my very messengers, of late,