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Alwy. Some hardy natures will resist all change,

(A long pause, in which Ethwald seems thoughtful and disturbed.)

Ethw. (abruptly.)
Once in the roving fantasies of night
Methought I slew him.

Alwy. Dreams, as some think, oft shew us things to come.

(Another long pause, in which Ethwald seems greatly disturbed, and stands fixed to one spot, till catching Alwy's eye fastened stedfastly upon his, he turns from him abruptly, and walks to the bottom of the stage with hasty strides. Going afterwards to the door, he turns suddenly round to Alwy just as he is about to go out.)

Ethw. What Thane was he, who in a cavern'd vault,
His next of kin so long imprison'd kept,
Whilst on his lands he lived?

Alwy. Yes, Ruthal's Thane he was; but dearly he
The dark contrivance rued; fortune at last
The weary thrall reliev'd, and ruin'd him.

Ethw. (agitated.) Go where thy duty calls thee: I will in:
My head feels strangely; I have need of rest.

Alwy. (Looking after him with a malicious satisfaction.)
Ay, dark perturbed thoughts will be thy rest,
I see the busy workings of thy mind.