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Ruff. Full vainly wilt thou strive, for thinkest thou
We enter walls like these, with changeling hearts
To leave our work undone?

Ed. We, sayest thou?
There are more of you then?

Ruff. Ay, ay, there are enow to make it sure;
But, if thou wilt be quiet, I'll do't myself.
Mine arm is strong; I'll give no second stroke;
And all escape is hopeless.

Ed. What, thinkest thou I'll calmly stretch my neck
Until thou butch'rest me?
No, by good heaven! I'll grapple with thee still,

And die with my blood hot! (putting himself in a posture of defence.)

Ruff. Well, since thou'lt have it so, thou soon shalt see
If that my mates be lovelier than myself.(Exit.

Ed. O that I still in some dark cell could rest

And wait the death of nature! (looking wildly round upon the roof and the walls of the vault.)
Nor stone, nor club, nor beam to serve my need!

Out from the walls, ye flints, and fill my grasp!
Nought! nought! Is there not yet within this nook
Some bar or harden'd brand that I may clutch?

(Exit hastily into the dark recess, and is followed immediately by two Ruffians, who enter by the opposite side and cross the stage after him.)