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Alwy. (to First Ruf.) Come thou with me. (to Sec. Ruf.)
We will return anon;
Meanwhile remain thou here and watch the corpse.
(Exeunt Alwy and First Ruffian.

Sec, Ruf. (alone) Watch it! I would not watch it here alone

For all my Ruffian's hire. (throws a coarse cloth over the body and exit hastily)

SCENE III. A Saxon hall in the former castle. Enter Elb. and Dwina, talking earnestly as they enter.

Elb. But didst thou truly question ev'ry groom,
And the stern keeper of that postern gate?

Dwi. I have, but no one knew that he is absent.
It was dark night when the king went, and Alwy
Alone was with him. This is all I know.

Elb. Thus secretly, at night!—Ethelbert's castle
Is not far distant.—That distracted maid—
If this be so, by the true royal blood

That fills my veins. I'll be revenged! What mean'st thou? (seeing Dwina shake her head piteously.)

Dwi. Alas, you need not fear! far distant stand
The towers of Ethelbert; and that poor maid
Has found at last her rest with the quiet dead.

Elb. And is't not well? Why dost thou shake thy head,
As tho' thou told'st sad news?— Yet what avails it?
I, ne'ertheless, must be a humble mate,
With scarcely e'en the semblance of a queen,