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Ella. Belike he is devising in his mind
How he shall punish those poor prisoners,
Who were in Hereulf's towered halls so lately
Surpriz'd, and in these hollow vaults confined.

First Lad. No marvel that it should disturb him much,
When his own brother is amongst the guilty.
There will be bloody doings soon, I trow!

Dwi. Into the hands of good and pious Hexulf
The rebels will be put, so to be punish'd
As he in holy zeal shall see it meet.

Ella. Then they will dearly suffer!

Dwi. That holy man no tortures will devise.

Ella. Yes, so perchance, no tortures of the flesh;
But there be those that do upon the soul
The rack and pincer's work.
Is he not grandson to that vengeful chief,
Who, with the death-axe lifted o'er his head,
Kept his imprison'd foe a live-long night,
Nor, till the second cock had crow'd the morn,
Dealt him the clemency of death? Full well
He is his child I know!

Dwi. What aileth thee? art thou bewitched also?
Lamentest thou that cursed heretics
Are put in good men's power? The sharpest punishment
O'er-reaches not their crime.

Ella. O Dwina, Dwina! thou hast watch'd by me