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Your recompence is sure; ye shall be bless'd.

Sec. Th. How bless'd? With what assurance of the mind
Hast thou pray'd for us? Tell us truly, Ethelbert;
As those about to die, or those who yet
Shall for a term this earthly state retain?
Such strong impress'd ideas oft foreshew
Th' event to follow.

Eth. Man, ever eager to foresee his doom,
With such conceits his fancy fondly flatters,
And I too much have given my mind to this;
But let us now, like soldiers on the watch,
Put our soul's armour on, alike prepared
For all a soldier's warfare brings. In heav'n
He sits, who on the inward war of souls
Looks down, as one beholds a well-fought field,
And nobly will reward the brave man's struggle.
(raising his clasped hands fervently.)
O let him now behold what his weak creatures,
With many cares and fears of nature weak,
Firmly relying on his righteous rule,
Will suffer cheerfully! Be ye prepared!

Her. We are prepared: what say ye, noble colleagues?

First Th. If that I here a bloody death must meet,
And in some nook unbless'd, far from the tombs
Of all mine honour'd race, these bones be laid,
I do submit me to the will of heaven.

Third Th. E'en so do I in deep submission bow.