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On my still midnight couch! I try'd to save him,
But ev'ry means against its end recoil'd.
Good Selred, thou rememb'rest well that night
When to the Female Druid's awful cave
I led thy brother.

Sel. I remember well.
(all the Thanes speaking at once eagerly.)
Ay, what of that? We've heard strange tales of it?
Eth. At my request the Arch Sister there receiv'd him;
And tho' she promis'd me she would unfold
Such things as might a bold ambitious mind
Scare from its wishes, she, unweetingly,
Did but the more inflame them.

Her. Ha! what say'st thou?
Did she not shew the form of things to come
By fix'd decrees, unsubject to her will?

Eth. She shew'd him things, indeed, most wonderful;
Whether by human arts to us unknown,
Or magic, or the aid of powerful spirits
Call'd forth, I wot not. Hark! I hear a noise.

First Th. I hear without the tread of many feet.
They pull our dungeon's bars: ha, see who come!
Wear they not ruffian's brows?

Sec. Th. And follow'd still by more: a numerous crew.
What is their bus'ness here?

(Enter a band of armed men, accompanied by Two Priests, and carrying with them a block, an axe, and a large sheet or curtain, &c.)