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happy as I can expect to be: she is sister to Lord Allcrest, you know, and is related to the first people of the country.

Soph. Good heaven, Sir! you can't mean to marry Lady Sarah: all the world knows how ill-temper'd she is.

Eldest Boy. What, that lady with the cunning-looking nose, and the strange staring eye-brows? If she come into this house I'll cast my top at her.

Soph. Hold your tongue, George! papa is not so hard hearted as to set such a woman over us. Come, come, children! gather round and hold up your little hands to him: he will have pity upon you. (the children gather round, and Sophia, putting the hands of the youngest child together and holding them up, kneels down before him.) O Sir! have pity on them! We have nobody to plead for us, and I cannot speak.

(Enter Robert with his face all blubbered, and throwing himself upon his knees by the children, holds up his hands most piteously.)

Rob. O, Sir!

Sea. (bursting into a violent rage.) What, sirrah! have you been listening at the door? Go from my presence this moment!

Soph. Dear Sir! be not angry with him!

Sea. (putting her away.) No, no! let us have no more of this nonsense: I have listen'd too long to it already.(breaks from them and exit.)

Rob. I wish my head had been cut off before I had come in with my ill-timed assistance! Curse,