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a way as to return to you again with fifteen of twenty of his yellow-coated brethren at his back?

Rob. Poo with your nonsense! I have sent two or three guineas out upon such fools errands already.

Pro. And did they come back empty handed to you?

Rob. No, by my faith! for they never came back at all.

Pro. O lud, lud ! there be such cheats in this world, they frighten honest folks from trying their fortune. I have got a crown of my own, just now, and with another crown put to it by any good hearted fellow that would go halves with me in the profit, I have an opportunity of making a good round sum, at present, in a very honest way, that would almost make a man of me at once: but I m sure I don't advise you to do it; for prudence is a great virtue; prudence is a very great virtue.

(Bell rings, and Robert stands hesitating)

Rob. Hang it! a crown is no great matter after all. There it is (giving him the crown whilst the bell rings again.) How that plaguy bell rings! When you get the money for me, you'll know where to call?

Pro. Never fear! when I get the money for you, I'll find my way back again, I warrant you.
