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SCENE I. Seabright's library. Enter Seabright, as if from a short journey, and the Eldest Boy running after him.

Boy. O papa, papa! I'm glad you've come back again! And have you said over your speech to the Parliament? and did they say any fine speeches back again to you?

Sea. Go away, George: I'm fatigued, I can't speak to you now.

(Enter Robert.)

Rob. Won't your honour have some refreshment after your journey? My Lady is gone out an airing; you had better have something.

Sea. No, nothing, Robert.—A glass of water, if you please. (sits down grave and dispirited, whilst Robert fetches the water, and the Boy plays about the room.)

Rob. (presenting the water.) I'll warrant now that you have had a power of fine talking in this Parliament house; and I warrant your honour's speech was as well regarded as any of it.

Sea. I thank you, Robert: I am fatigued, and would be alone for a little: take that boy away in