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[ vii ]


After a considerable interval of time from the publishing of the first, I now offer to the Public a second volume of the "Series of Plays;" and, with it, my very grateful thanks for that indulgence and cheering approbation which has encouraged me to proceed thus far in my work. I have to thank it, for that kind of reception which is best calculated to make a work go on well—praise mixed with a considerable portion of censure. I have to thank it, indeed, for that kind of reception which I solicited; conscious that it was the best, in regard to my real interest, which I could receive; as well as the very best, in regard to my merits, which I could possibly presume to expect. If with this great advantage, beyond what I enjoyed when I wrote the first part of this work, I have fallen short in the second volume, of what might have been reasonably expected from me, I have only to say for myself, that I have done my best, and that my abilities are in fault, and not my industry. The time, in-