Page:Pastorals Epistles Odes (1748).djvu/42

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Yet Colinet (and Colinet hath skill)
Oft' guides my fingers on the tunefull quill,
And fain would teach me on what sounds to dwell,
And where to sink a note, and where to swell. 36

Ah, Myco! half my flock would I bestow,
Should Colinet to me his cunning show:
So trim his sonnets are, I pr'ythee, swain,
Now give us, once, a sample of his strain: 40
For wonders of that lad the shepherds say,
How sweet his pipe, how ravishing his lay!
The sweetness of his pipe and lay rehearse;
And ask what Boon thou willest for thy verse. 44

Since then thou lift, a mournful song I chuse:
A mournful song relieves a mournfull Muse.
Fast by the river on a bank he sate,
To weep the lovely maid's untimely fate, 48
Fair Stella hight: a lovely maid was she,
Whose fate he wept, a faithful shepherd he.

Awake, my pipe; in every note express
Fair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress. 52