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IBSEN'S PROSE DRAMAS. Edited by WILLIAM ARCHER. Complete in Five Vols. Crcwn Svo, Cloth, Price 3/6 each. Set of Five Vols., in Case, 17/6; in Half Morocco, in Case, 32/6. " He seem at last to he shcivn men and women as t/.ey are ; and at first it is more than we can cndnre. . . . Aii Ibsen's cha'acters sfeak and act as if they were hypnotised, and ttndsr their crea.'or's imfetions demand to reveal themselves. There never was such a viiri or held tij> to nature before : it is too terrible. . . . Yet we must ret tern to Ibsen, with his remorseless surgery, his rernorseless electric-light, until zve, too, have grown strong and leaned to face the naked — if lucessary, the f.ayed and bleeding— reality." — Speaker (London). Vol. L "A DOLL'S HOUSE," "THE LEAGUE OF YOUTH," and "THE PILLARS OF SOCIETY." With Portrait of the Auihor, ar.d Biographical Introduction by William Archer. Vol. n. "GHOSTS," "AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE," and "THE WILD DUCK." With an Introductory Note. Vol. HL "LADY LNGER OF OSTRAT," "THE VIKINGS AT HELGELAKD/' "THE PRETENDERS." With an Introduciory Note and Portrait of Ibsen. Vol. IV. "EMPEROR AND GALILEAN." With an Introductory Note by William Archer. Vol. V. "ROS:IERSIIOLM," "THE LADY FROM THE SEA," '-HEDDA GABLER." Translated by William Archer. With :in Introductory Note. The sequence of the p!ays in each volume is chronological ; the complete set of vo'umes comptising the dramas thus presents them in chronological order. " The art of prose translation docs not perhaps enjoy a very hir;h literary status in Enr^bnd, hut v;c have no hesitation in numbering the present version of 11 son, so far as it hai gone ('ols. L and IL), amon;; the very best achievements, in that kind, ot our generation." — Academy. " We have seldom, if ever, met with a translation so absolately idiomatic. " — Clasgozv Herald, London : Walter Scott, Limited, Paternoster Square.