Page:Pattern design - a book for students treating in a practical way of the anatomy, planning & evolution of repeated ornament.djvu/12

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VI PREFACE. It will be seen from them and from the table of contents that " Pattern Design " covers much more ground than "The Anatomy of Pattern ". But it does not go beyond its subject. The appearance, since the original publication of my little books, of a number of similar volumes each attempting to embrace more than the one before it, has firmly convinced n.e that the better plan is to confine oneself to a definite subject, and to treat it thoroughly. The last word, of course, is never said so long as there is life left in it. I know very well that knowledge gained in practice can be only very partially conveyed in words; but something of the experience of five and thirty years and more in practical pattern design is surely communicable; and, for what it is orth, I give it here. LEWIS F. DAY. 1st September 1Q03. " Pattern Design " is a book which represents so completely my father's mind on the subject with which it deals and which treats, moreover, so largely of principles unaffected by changes of time and fashion, that it has seemed wisest in issuing a new edition to leave his work practically as it left his hands. The changes now made are limited, therefore, to the correction of a few verbal errors. RUTH DAY. 15 Tavitox Street, Gordon Square, W.C. July 1915-