Page:Pattern design - a book for students treating in a practical way of the anatomy, planning & evolution of repeated ornament.djvu/18

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58 XII LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. NO. 78. Diagram showing how octagoxal diapers will re- peat ON rectangular lines 79. Lattice pattern • built on triangular lines — Indian- pierced STONE So. Diagrams showing how a pattern may be designed TO hang in two ways 61 81. Diagram to illustrate the " drop repeat " , . 62 82. Diagrams to illustrate the way repeats must fit . 62 83. Diagrams to illustrate the difference of measure WHEN A square REPEAT IS TURNED ROUND TO WORK AS A DROP 63 84. Diagram to show that a pattern may be contained equally within square and various diamond lines 64 85. Two plans upon which the same design might have BEEN built 66 86. Wall-paper design by Walter Crane .... 68 87. Diagram showing the mechanical relation of various plans .69 88. 89. Diagrams showing the division of a square re- peat into three parts and their transposition to form a wide diamond 69 90. Brick or masonry pattern — L. F. D 70 91. Diagrams of the brick plan and its relation to a " drop repeat " 7i 92. Hexagon plan — its relation to diamond ... 72 93. Counteracting lines of design — the repeat a double square • 73 94. Diamond forms resulting from counteracting lines THE repeat a double SQUARE 73 95. Diagram of a step plan which does not gi'e a " DROP repeat " 74 96. Diagram of a pattern which drops one-third of its DEPTH 75 97. A PATTERN WHICH DROPS ONE-QUARTER OF THE DEPTH. OF REPEAT — Persian 75