Page:Pattern design - a book for students treating in a practical way of the anatomy, planning & evolution of repeated ornament.djvu/20

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XIV LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. NO, . PAGE 121. Diagram showing the distribution of open spaces of ground on the plan of a five-spot repeat . 95 122. Diagram showing the further development of the PRINCIPLE OF distribution ALREADY EXEMPLIFIED in diagrams iio to ii9 96 123. Diagrams illustrating another principle on which SPOTS, ETC., may be DISTRIBUTED .... 97 124. Turnover pattern, revealing the vertical line on WHICH IT IS reversed — Cretonne. L. F. D. . 99 125. Design almost but not quite self-contained within THE width of the STUFF VELVET. L. F. D. . lOO 126. Diagram showing the construction and develop- ment OF COUNTERCHANGE PATTERNS . . . . lOI 127. counterchange pattern constructed on the lines of diagram i26 alhambresque .... loi 128. 129. Ribbon and feather pattern and the lines of its construction i02 130. Velvet pattern — ^Late Gothic 103 131. Pattern in which wave-lines divert the eve from vertical — Printed cotton. L. F. D. . . . 104 132. 133. Diagram showing the scaffolding of a pattern and the lines naturally resulting from it . 105 134. Old print — Dutch 106 135. Woven pattern — Cret.


136. Pattern in which the horizontal line is deliber- ately marked 108 137. Diagrams of scaffoldings 109 138. Silk brocade on the lines of diagram b. 137 . .110 139. Velvet on the lines of diagram c. 137— Italian sixteenth century Ill 140. Pattern in which the diagonal line was an after- thought — Curtain material. L. F. D. . . 112 141. Pattern in which the starting-point was a diagonal wave — Dress fabric. L. F. D. . . . .113 142. Diagonal pattern and its scaffolding — Fifteenth century 115