Page:Pattern design - a book for students treating in a practical way of the anatomy, planning & evolution of repeated ornament.djvu/23

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LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. xvn NO PAGE 183. "Free" dress pattern deliberately planned — L.F.D. 167 184. Diagrams showing development of a " counter- change " border pattern 168 185. 186. A geometric diaper and diagrams showing the STAGES OF its DESIGN — FLOORCLOTH. L. F. D. . 1 69 187. Diagram showing a false start in design . . .170 188, 189. Diagrams showing the fair start of a design and its development 171, 172 190, 191. Diagrams showing start of a drop repeat and its development 173, 174 192. Wall-paper pattern — L. F. D 175 193. Diagram showing " brickwork " plan .... 177 194. Floral pattern in which the distribution of the flowers was the first step of the design L. F. D. and B. W 178 195-199- Diagrams showing the stages of a design . 179-182 200. Portion of the finished design developed in diagrams 195 TO 199 — Cretonne. L. F. D. . 183 201, 202. Diagrams showing the stages of a pattern 184, 185 203. Finished design developed in diagrams 201, 202 — L. F. D 1S7 204. Simple pattern and its after elaboration — Discharge print — l. f. d 189 205. Diagrams showing the development of an Arabesque DESIGN — Italian sixteenth century . . .190 206. Arabesque pattern bursting out into grotesques — Embossed leather paper. L. F. D. . . . 193 207. Diagram showing afterthoughts as to treatment . 194 208. Diagrams showing how much of a repeat may with advantage be roughly set out to begin with . 197 209. Diagrams to show the proving of a pattern . . 19S 210. Diagram to show how a pattern designed on diamond lines may be proved on other lines . 199 211. 212. Diagrams showing the effect of different colour schemes upon the same designs . 202, 203