Page:Pattern design - a book for students treating in a practical way of the anatomy, planning & evolution of repeated ornament.djvu/293

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INDEX. 267 Planning - - - - 54 et Planning in relation to TECHNIQUE - - - - 1^1 ci "Planted" colours 153.. 154. Precision - . . - - Presentment - - - - 253. Printed cotton - - - - Printing (block) . - - - (roller) - - - - Process (its influence on design) Proportions of repeat 136, Proving a pattern OUATREFOIL iij6 ct PAGE seq. seq. 155 ^58 ^54 132 132 136 3 137, 141


34 Radiating patterns - 24, 127, 134 Rectangular lines - - - 56 Repeat - - - 65, 72, 81, 84, 158 Repeats (small) - - - %i et seq. Repetition - 3, 86, 113, i5<j, 170 Roller prinung - - - - 136 Rosette ------ zz Running borders - - - 216 Sateen plans - - - 87 et seq. Scale 249 Scale pattern - - - - 34 Scroll borders - 225, 226, 233 Sexfoil 34 Shuttle (change of) - - - 149 " Single " 143 Sketchiness ----- 257 Smaller repeats - - - 81 et seq. Spiral borders - - - 214, 226 Sponging down - - - - 252 Spontaneity - - - - - 263 Sprig pattern - - 86, 124, 159 Square 11 et seq., 57, 62, 63, 106, iio, 171 ,, (double) - - - 74^ 172 Star - - - 20, 21, 22, 41. 50 Starting point - - - - ig2 Step pattern - 65, 76, 77, 82 '* Stop " borders - - - 215, 218 Strap border- - - - 224, 225 Stripe ,, (diagonal) ,, (horizontal) ,, (unforeseen) Studies - suggestiveness Swastika TAlil E LINEN - Terry Tesser.e - Textile design PAGE II, 160, 203, 261 15, 70, 262 - - - 65 160 - 262, 263 - - - 238 - 46, 218 - 144 et seq. - 186 49 99 Tile design - 126 et seq., 132, 136 Tile work - - - - 22, 46 Tracing paper . . - - 257 Tradition ----- 56 Trefoil - - - - - - 34 Trellis (see also Lattice) - - 109 Triangle 19 et seq., 34, 50, 51, 53, 57, 98 Triangular cubes - - - 261 ,, lines - - - 56 Turn-over 119 et seq., 78, 112, 114, 139, 143, 261 ,, borders 215, 229, 232, 233 Turn-round - - 126 et seq., 132 Vel-et - Vertical line - 186 97, 9S, 205 Wallpapers - - - 132, 139, 158 Washes ------ 250 Water colour - - - - 259 Wave lines 29, 109, no, 113, 170. 216 Waving borders 214, 219, 221, 225 Weaving devices 87 et seq., 142 et seq., 119, 139 Working drawings 254, 255, 256 et seq. Workmanship . - - - 264 Woven fabrics - - - 136, 139 Zig-zag 29, 107, 209, 223, 226, 228, 235> 235